Nightglo Adventure Dog Training was founded to help dogs and their owners understand each other and cooperate intuitively. When your best friend understands you, and you understand them, you are ready for any adventure.

    Nightglo Adventure Dog Training is a service of Nightglo Adventure Breeds. Nightglo Adventure Breeds was founded on June 15th, 2022, by Kendall Waid.

    Kendall has owned and worked with dogs, cats, a ferret, mice, snakes, insects, and guinea pigs. Training animals has been a life-long pursuit. Through this, he discovered that almost any animal is trainable. The key is to provide what they need while remaining calm and assertive. Kendall works with dogs and their owners to make this happen.

    Kendall has, specifically, studied dog training and rehabilitation since 2008. He graduated with his bachelor's in History, from Dalton State College, in 2019. The skills learned as a historian have honed his understanding of people and their relationship with nature. His passion for working with and understanding dogs has become a full-time business.

    Dogs crave a natural pack structure with a confident leader. They value the essentials: Food, water, play, exercise, discipline, and affection. When these essential needs are fulfilled, in correlation with clear and consistent instruction, your dog learns your expectations. When you know how to communicate your expectations to your dog, you can be a confident team and enjoy the daily adventures of life together.

  We are a faith-based business. Jesus loves you, and so do we. Our family is very diverse in its beliefs. We have been treated, at times, as outcasts because of age, political, spiritual, physical, racial, and other conditions. At Nightglo Adventure Dog Training, no one is treated poorly because of their views, opinions, beliefs, religion, racial background, ethnicity, color, country of origin, or disabilities. We ask that all people receive and display the respect due to all of God's creatures. It is our pleasure to serve you with the utmost respect and courtesy, no matter what.

  We have a diverse genetic heritage that includes English, Irish, German, Polish, African, and Native American. A client's racial background is respected but does not change, in any way, our love or consideration for them. You are an individual, made in the image of God. You are always important to us.

Aggressive Dogs!

Aggressive behavior, most often, originates from fear, anxiety, possessiveness, or dominance. Many owners believe it is the end of the world if their dog nips the trainer. It is not. A nip is a warning. We teach the dog that nips and bites do not achieve the desired results. We use positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement (never punishment) to show the dog better ways to communicate. We teach the dog to trust in a wide variety of circumstances. It requires time, consistency, patience, observation, communication, perfect timing, and calm perseverance -- that is why people hire me. 😊

Some of our beautiful traiNing clients!

"The Incomparable Bella Rose" Bella is a Black Labrador Retriever. She is everything that should be expected from a Labrador: energetic, happy-go-lucky, intuitive, a lighting-fast learner, and eager to please. Her training was easy. Most of the time, she was helping me train Clifford, the big red mess. She ignored his bad behavior, even when he growled or went to bite her. Bella was confident that I would keep her safe and that we would be a good example for Clifford. We didn't let each other down.

Thanks for your help, Bella!

"Clifford the Big Red Mess"

  Clifford was a shelter dog with tremendous fear and anxiety problems. His fear overrode his mind, and he would not even try to think or learn. That happens with extremely fearful dogs, but we found something that Clifford likes! He likes long, steady, and leisurely walks.

  Dogs, sometimes, learn things faster from other dogs than from humans. Clifford needed to learn how to be a dog! That's where Bella came in. There are precious few calm and balanced dogs at the shelter, but Bella Rose was an exception. Bella is an energetic dog, but she is extremely intelligent, responsive, and calmly thinks through problems. She was the perfect example for Clifford. She was an excellent role model.

  Clifford and Bella went to much better places. Clifford was accepted by a rescue organization that works with fearful dogs, and Bella found her new forever home, with a family that appreciates her exceptional ability to learn and love!